Victim of Crime


Crimes against property are fairly common all over the world. During the on-site orientation, Faculty Leaders need to discuss local crimes and how to prevent them. Report any crime to local authorities as soon as possible after the event. Note that any crime against any property or funds of the University requires immediate report to UNL Education Abroad in order to file the proper paperwork necessary with UNL, Lincoln, or State police. This paperwork often requires documentation from the local authorities on the crime, as well as a copy of the official police report. If funds from the travel advance are part of the crime, these monies require the local police report and overseas police report in order for you to be reimbursed by the University.

Lost or Stolen Travel Documents

If the passport is lost or stolen, you should assist the student in contacting the student's embassy and/or consulate. A copy of a student's passport may also be found within their MyWorld application.