As you prepare for your experience abroad, it’s important to consider your host country’s cultural attitude towards gender identity. Gender roles abroad may differ from those in the U.S. Consider the questions and review the resources below as you prepare.

Ask Yourself:

  • What do you know about how gender is discussed in your host country?
  • When introducing themselves, do individuals in the host country share their preferred pronouns?
  • What are the cultural expectations in the host country tied to gender?

Ask your Global Experiences Coordinator and other program staff:

  • Do any organizations exist in my host city/country to support trans students?
  • What support services are provided by my host institution or affiliate organization?

Prepare and Research:

On-Campus Resources:

  • Speak with a member of the UNL Women's Center.
  • Speak with a member of the UNL LGBTQA+ Resource Center.
  • Reach out to faculty members with expertise specific to your host country.
  • Enroll in a course at UNL similar to "Gender & Sexuality in Latin America."

Additional Resources:

If I have more questions, who should I contact?

  • Angela Luedke, Global Experiences Coordinator,